Ebeco EB500 Thermostat
- WiFi Controlled with connect card (not supplied)
- Built-In Start Up Guide When Unit Is Turned On For The First Time
- Temperature Preset at 22 degrees Celsius
- Display Is Clean And Easy To Use Making It Easy To Navigate
Ebeco EB500 Thermostat WiFi Ready
EB-Therm 500 supports eight different sensor types and is suitable for the most common frame systems. The thermostat also shows energy consumption and history in a clear and easy way.
The EB500 thermostats are digital, microprocessor controlled and equipped with fuzzy technology. This means that from the outset the thermostat gathers data which it then calculates to when it should switch on and off. It keeps temperature fluctuations to a minimum, which provides an even heat and uses less energy.
Fluctuations vary between +/- 0.3 degrees. The EB500 has several energy saving programmes with individually adjustable times and temperatures.
The adaptive function means that the thermostat collects data from the time it is started up and uses this to calculate when to turn on.
The EB500 includes a ventilation function that turns the heat off for 15 minutes if it detects that the temperature drops by more than three degrees in less than one minute.
The thermostat can control the temperature in three different ways; floor thermostat, room thermostat or a combination of the both.
There is also an adjustable over heating protection which makes it suitable for material which cannot exceed 27°C, for example wooden floors. Therefore you can use the EB500 for controlling underfloor heating for all floor types.
- Built-In Start Up Guide When Unit Is Turned On For The First Time
- Temperature Preset at 22 degrees Celsius
- Display Is Clean And Easy To Use Making It Easy To Navigate
- EB500 Thermostats Are Digital, Microprocessor Controlled And Equipped With Fuzzy Technology
- EB500 can keep track of energy consumption by reading its running time in percentage
- The automatic ventilation function turns off the heating for 15 minutes if the temperature falls by more than three degrees in one minute
- WiFi Controlled available with the WiFi Connect card which is sold separate.
- 36 Hour Back Up memory In Case Of Power Outage
- The time the programming remains in the thermostat in the event of power failure
More benefits of EB-Therm 500 Our new thermostat has a whole range of advantages to help the fitter in their choice of thermostat:
- Reinforced insulation (according to EN 60730) and thereby more durable for voltage peaks
- Supports eight different sensor types, making the thermostat the ultimate solution for home improvements
- Fit the most common frame systems on the market.